
Valley of the Moon All Sonoma County
Location: County Wide
Status: In Progress
Type: County Policy

An ongoing study of the type and number of permitted events at wineries and other rural visitor serving establishments. Attempt to have the county start keeping a record of how many events it permits and to establish an Event Coordinator, a person at the county who would be knowledgeable about event scheduling, traffic problems, and other event issues.

Related Files

04/29/2022 - Event ordinance hearing
04/10/2020 - VOTMA letter to BOS
10/05/2017 - 2004 Potential Event Study
10/05/2017 - 2014 Update to 2004 Event Study
10/05/2017 - 2004 Event Study APPENDICES
10/12/2016 - Winery Events Resolution - Letter to Supervisors
09/02/2015 - LA Times article - Sonoma County wineries and water
07/08/2015 - Rancho Los Guilicos Day Flyer
06/22/2014 - List of SV wineries - Jan. 2013
06/22/2014 - Map of SV winery use permits - Jan 2013
06/22/2014 - 18 tasting rooms in Kenwood
01/20/2013 - Planning Agency memo on Promotional Events
02/18/2010 - Map: Pre-2000 Land Cover - South
02/18/2010 - Map: Pre-2000 Land Cover - North
02/18/2010 - Map: Scope of Studies - South
02/18/2010 - Map: Scope of Studies - North
02/18/2010 - Map: High Potential Locations - South
02/18/2010 - Map: High Potential Locations - North
02/18/2010 - Map: High Potential Clusters - All
02/18/2010 - Map: Existing Land Use - South
02/18/2010 - Map: Event Potential - South
02/18/2010 - Map: Event Potential - North
02/18/2010 - Map: Event Potential - All
02/26/2009 - PLP07-0096 BZA Staff Report.doc


Memo with Ordinance Definition and Standards Comparison Tables - view - File No.: ORD16-0001; Continued hearing for Winery Events Ordinance Applicant: County of Sonoma Supervisorial Districts: All
Winery Working Group - view - PRMD website Winery Working Group
2014 update to VOTMA 2004 study - view -

News & Notes

05/19/2022 - Winery Events Ordinance Update - NOTICE OF A CONTINUED SONOMA COUNTY PLANNING
Virtual Public Hearing Only--additional accommodations and digital
file review are available.
WHO: The County of Sonoma, Permit and Resource
Management Department, Permit Sonoma File No.
WHAT: Consideration of amendments to Sonoma County
Code Chapter 26 (Zoning Code) Article 6 – Agricultural
and Resource Zones and Article 18 – Agricultural and
Resource-Based Use Standards, adding standards for
winery visitor serving uses that would apply to new
and modified use permit applications for winery visitor
serving uses. These amendments would apply to unincorporated
areas countywide zoned for Land Intensive
Agriculture, Land Extensive Agriculture, and Diverse
Agriculture, excluding the coastal zone which is subject
to County Code Chapter 26C (Coastal Zoning Code).
The Sonoma County Planning Commission will hold a
virtual public hearing to consider recommending approval
to the Board of Supervisors of the above-described
Ordinance Amendments. This is a meeting continued
from the Planning Commission meetings held on June
3, 2021 and February 17, 2022. On February 17, 2022
Commissioners directed staff to return at a later date
to continue the review of the proposed county definitions
and standards for winery visitor serving uses. All
interested persons are invited to attend and provide
comments. Members of the Public May Not Attend
this Meeting in Person.
Permit Sonoma has determined that the project is
categorically exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act pursuant to Section 15308 in that the standards
set forth in the ordinance are authorized by state
law to assure the protection of the environment; and
Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty
that adoption of the ordinance will not result in a significant
effect on the environment.
WHEN: The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing
to consider this item on Thursday, May 19, 2022
at or after 1:05 p.m. In accordance with AB
361, Governor Newsom’s March 4, 2020 State of
Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sonoma
County Public Health Officer’s Recommendation for
Teleconferenced Meetings, and the Sonoma County
Board of Supervisors Resolution 21-0399, this
meeting will be conducted via videoconference only
without a physical location from which members of
the public may observe and offer public comment.
Members of the public may watch, listen, and participate
in the hearing through Zoom or by phone,
and may submit written comment prior to the hearing
as described below.
MATERIALS: Project materials and associated documents, including
public comments previously submitted to Permit
Sonoma, are available at Permit Sonoma, 2550 Ventura
Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 and digitally through
the project website at
wineryevents. For more information
about this proposal, to submit comments, or to request
an accommodation for review of the file, please contact
the project planner, Georgia McDaniel at PRMDWineryEvents@ or (707) 565-1900,
option 5.
INVOLVED: If you have questions or concerns regarding the proposed
project please, contact the Project Planner noted
above. Public comment prior to the meeting: Public
comment may be submitted via email to the Project
Planner through Wednesday, May 18, 2022 by 5:00
Public comment during the meeting: Members of the
public who join the Zoom meeting, either through the
Zoom app or by telephone, will have an opportunity to
provide live comments during the hearing. Please refer
to the meeting agenda for instructions on how to join the
meeting via the Zoom app or by telephone. The agenda
will be posted 1 week prior to the hearing date located:
If you challenge the decision on the project in court you
may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone
else raised at the public hearing described in this
notice, or in written correspondence delivered to Permit
Sonoma at or prior to the public hearing.
DATE: April 29, 2022, Press Democrat

07/20/2016 - VOTMA Quarterly Meeting 7 PM Kenwood Depot - 'Trouble in Paradise: The Other Side of the Wine Industry Story' Come hear an entertaining and INFORMATIVE presentation by Padi Selwyn and Reuben Weinzveg of Preserve Rural Sonoma County.

11/16/2015 - Winery Working Group Public Meeting - Public Workshop at PRMD Monday, November 16 at 6:30 pm at the Glaser Center in Santa Rosa. Get info at

09/01/2015 - LA Times article re: Sonoma County wineries & water -

- Board of Supervisors workshop on events at wineries - Attend the BOS meeting at 3pm and let them know the cumulative impacts that are being felt from the wine industry.

Action Dates

1 to 1 of 1
Name Date Note
Winery Events Planning - Commission and BZA 09/29/2016 1 PM PRMD Hearing Room 2550 Ventura Ave, Santa Rosa