9125 Sonoma Highway, Kenwood, CA 95452
Location: North Valley
Status: Permit Application
Type: Building Development
Submission Date: 01/26/2015
Parcel Number: 050-275-028
Project Number: PLP05-0009

NEW Request to modify previously approved Use Permit to allow commercial kitchen in marketplace to allow expanded food and restaurant service, including outdoor dining.

Related Files

05/29/2022 - MAY 2022 VJB Comments
04/26/2022 - Third Revised application
09/07/2020 - Volker Law office letter August 26 2020 baseline
09/07/2020 - VOTMA 10th comments August 26 2020
09/07/2020 - Notice of Hearing 8 27 2020
09/07/2020 - VOTMA comments 8 16 2019
09/07/2020 - Revised referral July 26 2019
10/24/2018 - Referral for revised application 9 26 2018
10/24/2018 - VOTMA comments 10-16-2018
03/21/2018 - VOTMA comments 3-15-2018
02/26/2018 - Revised application PLP05-0009
04/05/2017 - VOTMA 6th comment letter
03/02/2017 - Revised Permit Application PLP05-0009 2-18-17
06/21/2016 - VJB Modified Use Permit 6-16-16 PLP05-0009 Revised
03/03/2016 - VJB Modified Use Permit 2-3-16
02/25/2016 - VJB comment letter 2-24-16
07/05/2015 - Modified Use Permit
02/10/2015 - VOTMA response
01/27/2015 - modified application for kitchen
12/11/2014 - PRMD update 10/30/2014
10/15/2014 - Project Application
10/15/2014 - VOTMA comment letter

News & Notes

06/02/2022 - VJB Use Permit Mod Hearings - May 26 Planning Commission Hearing continued to June 2 to hear VJB Use Permit modification requests because two Commissioners of five were not there, including First District Commissioner Caitlin Cornwall.

09/07/2017 - VJB Hearing Date - PLP05-0009 VJB Vineyards & Cellars - Use Permit modification and Design Review

04/26/2017 - Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission hearing VJB - SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend! This is your chance to let the county know how you feel about the lack of code enforcement and the advantages taken by VJB over the past 10 years.

Action Dates

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Name Date Note
VJB Hearing on just about everything again 06/02/2022 Planning Commission hearing moved from 5/26/22 to June 2, for those keeping close track of the saga of Sonoma County Planning Department's ongoing whack-a-mole game with clan Belmonti's Kenwood enterprises, currently guised as "PLP05-0009--Second Revised Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration", as updated from "Revised Subsequent Mitigated Declaration" (RSMND) published on July 27, 2020, seems to reflect some hope on both Permit Sonoma's and Belmonti's parts that eventually everyone will just forget about it and it will all go away. As proposed, the current iteration would pretty much fold up most of the county's long standing objections to what is actually happening at the wine tasting, restaurant, pizzeria, deli, cum lounge vis a vis operating hours, capacity, parking and a turn lane now 12 years over overdue.