Sonoma Developmental Center

15000 Arnold Drive, Eldridge, CA 95442
Location: North Valley
Status: EIR in Process
Type: Building Development
Submission Date: 07/07/2015

Transfer of shuttered State Hospital buildings on a 200-acre campus to developers for housing, affordable housing, commercial buildings, a hotel, and other projects to be determined by a final Specific Plan due by 2022. Approximately 750 acres of open space land will remain undeveloped and transferred to state and local parks and perhaps placed in trust for wildlife protection.

Related Files

12/13/2022 - SDC Specific Plan and DEIR comments
09/28/2022 - SDC Specific Plan & DEIR comments
01/21/2022 - Comments re SDC
01/17/2022 - NSVMAC SDC Letter
07/07/2015 - Flyer for July 15th VOTMA meeting


Sonoma Community Advocates for a Liveable Environment - view - Website dedicated to lawsuit challenging SDC Specific Plan EIR
SDC Specific Plan and PDEIR drafts released - view - SDC Specific Plan public review draft and the SDC Specific Plan Draft Programmatic EIR (DPEIR), and associated appendices, are all available for public review. Documents may be downloaded or read online at the website above.
SDC BOS Hearing Jan 2022 - view - All related documents for 3 p.m. Jan. 25, 2022, BOS hearing on Sonoma Developmental Center future plan.
SDC - Eldridge For All - view - Eldridge For All - Save Our Space began as a grassroots fundraising campaign to benefit the Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC), a nonprofit dedicated to achieving and sustaining ecological health in Sonoma Valley. Eldridge For All - Save Our Space applauds the work of numerous local nonprofits working together to preserve the environmental, historical, and cultural resources that make the SDC such a unique and priceless asset. Eldridge For All - Save Our Space serves as a platform for sharing information regarding development of the SDC Specific Plan and related redevelopment issues.

News & Notes

08/13/2022 - SDC Specific Plan - SDC Specific Plan public review draft and the SDC Specific Plan Draft Programmatic EIR (DPEIR), and associated appendices, are all available for public review. Documents may be downloaded or read online at Specific Plan site.

01/25/2022 - BOS hearing - 3 p.m. - Board of Supervisors will consider adopting a Permit Sonoma recommended alternative for future development of the surplus state propert at Sonoma Developmental Center. Meeting could be long and perhaps continued to another day if too many people want to address the board.

- Lawsuit challenging SDC Specific Plan EIR -