Kenwood Ranch - Sonoma Country Inn - Graywood

7980 Sonoma Highway, Kenwood, CA 95452
Location: North Valley
Status: Approved
Type: Building Development
Submission Date: 01/10/2010
Parcel Number: 051-020-006, -032, -059, and 051-010- 095

A 50 room destination resort, 10,000 case winery plus tours, tasting room, retail sales, 125 seat restaurant, 60 special events per year, a 13 lot subdivision on 477 acres requiring a General Plan amendment, Specific Plan amendment, Zone Change, Major Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment and use permit. Plus 11 luxury hilltop homes on a total of 183 acres.

Related Files

06/29/2023 - Appeal KR Winery DRC decision to PC
05/25/2022 - VOTMA appeals resort building permits without screening plan in place
05/25/2022 - Appeal hearing for Kenwood Resort Building permits
03/05/2018 - MacNair responses - 9-19-2017
03/05/2018 - Adobe Assoc - water usage - 9-15-2017
03/05/2018 - Slade Groundwater - 9-27-2017
03/05/2018 - W-Trans traffic - 9-14-2017
03/05/2018 - MacNair fire impact - 9-28-2017
03/05/2018 - EJA lighting - 2-9-2018
03/05/2018 - Salter noise - 9-14-2017
03/05/2018 - First Carbon - GHG - 9-21-2017
03/05/2018 - Bauer - Geotechnical - 2-6-2018
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 6 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 10 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 9 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 8 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 7 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 5 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 4 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 3 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 2 for BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Exhibit 1 of BOS appeal
01/18/2018 - Appeal form Aug 2017
01/18/2018 - VOTMA appeal to BOS - 8-14-2017
08/02/2017 - VOTMA response to addendum and staff report
08/01/2017 - Design Review Staff Report - 10-19-2016
08/01/2017 - Addendum to EIR
08/01/2017 - Planning commission staff report - 8-3-2017
11/01/2016 - Design Review Committee Record of Action
11/01/2016 - VOTMA Appeal of Design Review Decision
10/18/2016 - VOTMA Design Review Comments
08/27/2016 - Sonoma Country Inn Comment Letter (Design Review)
08/15/2016 - Tohigh announces resort plans
08/11/2016 - Design Review August 2016
01/20/2010 - Graywood Ranch Staff Report Dec. 2009
01/20/2010 - Graywood Ranch Final Conditions of Approval


KP article 8-15-2017 - view - Results of Planning Commission hearing Aug 3, 2017
Kenwood resort design issues in front of county panel - 8-1-2017 - view -
Last Call for Hood Mountain - view -
Press Democrat article Nov. 12, 2016 - view -
Kenwood Press Article 8/01/2016 - view - New owner Tohigh Investments announces plans and preliminary design for resurgent resort development in Kenwood.
Final EIR - view -
Kenwood Press article Jan 15, 2015 - view -
Kenwood Press - Graywood - 7/1/2000 - view -
Kenwood Press - Graywood - 2/15/2001 - view -

News & Notes

05/19/2022 - Kenwood Ranch Resort permits appeal - VOTMA appeals development permits approved without screening review after 2020 wildfire. PRMD director Tennis Wick agrees to send the appeal to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for consideration. Earliest possible date for BZA is June 9, but it could be later.

08/15/2017 - Article in KP -

03/21/2017 - Coming Soon . . . Hearing on Appeal Design Review Decision Sonoma Country Inn - VOTMA has appealed the decision of the Design Review Committee regarding Sonoma Country Inn/Graywood Ranch. You can read the appeal by going to On The Radar and scrolling down under Building Developments to Sonoma Country Inn.

This will come before the Planning Commission at a date to be announced.

01/15/2015 - Kenwood Resort Property Changes Hands -

06/10/2008 - Auberge June 08 Review - A business journal overview of the resort properties.

06/01/2008 - June 08 Review - A Business Journal overview of the resort properties.

Action Dates

1 to 1 of 1
Name Date Note
SVCAC Hearing Sonoma Country Inn (Design Review) 09/28/2016 6:30pm - 177 First Street West, Sonoma